Breaking Up With Young House Love Christine October 10, 2014 Blogging, Just Thoughts, Life Happens Breaking news: Young House Love hits retirement! Don’t know what I’m talking about? Well let me ‘splain it. I follow Young House Love. I bought the book, and waited in line for 3 hours in the cold to get it signed by John and Sherry Petersik. I gave them one of my planners. I wonder if they ever used it? This morning, after a 30 day absence from the blog, they posted this. It’s official Young House Love just broke up with me. And you. And the interwebs. All we have now are archives to remember the way things were. Memories….(in my best Barbara Streisand voice) They were in our lives for 80 months. Pretty much common law marriage. So any feelings of abandonment are totally understandable. Most of us are in the denial stage anyways. This young couple shared their house (and lives) and we fell in love. But all I hear is “it’s not you, it’s me”. Young House Love, you’ve broken our hearts and decorated our houses. And just for that I’ve written a ridiculous rhyme to say farewell. Ode To YHL: It’s been real, it’s been fun. I’ll miss Sherry’s raps and all those 80’s puns. You designed houses, hospitals, and hooks OMG, remember Burger’s photo-bombing looks. Dear, Clara and Teddy it’s all up to you. To show mommy and daddy just how much they mean to you. We’ll stand back and let your family have their space and we’ll pray that your mommy and daddy will once again write in the Young House Love space. P.S. Can we still be friends? 5 Responses karen@somewhatquirkydesign October 10, 2014 Nice post Christine. Guess I’m the only one who never followed them. I’ve always been a late bloomer. Reply Ashley October 10, 2014 Love this! I was so sad and told my finace I was in blog depression. I hope them all the best and understand why. It’s just I LOVE them! and am selfish enough to have a pity party over it. Glad I’m not the only one feeling abandoned and heart broken. Reply Christine Leahy October 10, 2014 Ashley, I’m sorry for your loss! 🙂 It’s weird when our online world has real world outcomes. Let’s be brave together! Reply Jaclyn B October 13, 2014 I was so surprised and a bit annoyed at their abrupt departure. Although this has also happened on a couple other blogs I followed. Now I did think they were completing projects at break neck speed lately, but I was hoping they’d just slow down their posts to 1-2 per week. They have so many great ideas! Alas, they are moving on….how sad….how strange to be sad about this…. Reply Shannon October 24, 2014 Ditto girl! I followed them and they inspired me so much. You just felt like they were your personal friends. Shannon ~ Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
karen@somewhatquirkydesign October 10, 2014 Nice post Christine. Guess I’m the only one who never followed them. I’ve always been a late bloomer. Reply
Ashley October 10, 2014 Love this! I was so sad and told my finace I was in blog depression. I hope them all the best and understand why. It’s just I LOVE them! and am selfish enough to have a pity party over it. Glad I’m not the only one feeling abandoned and heart broken. Reply
Christine Leahy October 10, 2014 Ashley, I’m sorry for your loss! 🙂 It’s weird when our online world has real world outcomes. Let’s be brave together! Reply
Jaclyn B October 13, 2014 I was so surprised and a bit annoyed at their abrupt departure. Although this has also happened on a couple other blogs I followed. Now I did think they were completing projects at break neck speed lately, but I was hoping they’d just slow down their posts to 1-2 per week. They have so many great ideas! Alas, they are moving on….how sad….how strange to be sad about this…. Reply
Shannon October 24, 2014 Ditto girl! I followed them and they inspired me so much. You just felt like they were your personal friends. Shannon ~ Reply