Disclosure: This post contains sponsored links from Minted. I received a product in exchange for my honest review.  Please see my full disclosure policy here.

Another month and another cool contest over at The Fab Furniture Flippin’ Contest. This month we were challenged by our sponsor, Minted.com, with their “Take a Seat” theme using a few yards of their premium canvas fabric! Woot!


You guys know Minted.com right? They are the geniuses behind all the beautiful stationery. Remember their custom Christmas cards I shared with you? Well, today I’m sharing their beautiful fabric! Minted is unstoppable.

I ordered their Modern Math Fabric in both black and green. I was completely convinced that I wanted to use green and black in my design but, of course, I had no idea what I was going to do with it when it arrived. This is just my creative way I guess.

Fabric choices from Fabric.com

Several days after I received my fabric I was roaming the aisles of my neighborhood Goodwill and I spotted this cute black table thingy.

Black table for Pet Bed

Seriously, what the heck is this? Maybe it’s a lego table? When I saw it I knew exactly what I wanted it to become. Yep, a pet bed!

So let’s recap.

Minted was going to send me awesome fabric to use in a project and I decided to make a pet bed. Guess what this means?

Many, many, many photos of my little girls! Any excuse to write a whole post featuring my little furbabies is just plain awesome. 🙂

Let me break it down for you.

I essentially just pulled out some foam from my crafty stash and cut it to fit the inset area of the black table.

Foam used for pet bed

Kitties working

After I cut the foam, I laid it on top of my black cross fabric and then cut the fabric allowing for 1-2″ around the foam.

I decided to make my little kitty cushion two-sided, so I cut another piece of fabric but this time I used the green crosses.

Before I began to sew the kitty cushion, I went ahead and ran the iron over the fabric to get rid of the wrinkles.

Iron Fabric

Then I placed both pieces of fabric on top of the other with the pattern facing inside.

Green and Black Cross Minted.com Fabric

Then I started to sew. This was a group effort.

Cat watches sewing

Who knew that every single aspect of this project would require their “assistance”. Cats are so irritating curious. 🙂

Here is the new double-sided Modern Math Minted.com Fabric Pet Bed. It’s so cute and can I just tell you that my littlest one has been sleeping in her new bed for the last hour.

Reversible DIY Pet Bed

DIY Pet Bed with Minted.com

Minted Fabric Pet Bed

DIY Pet Bed

Cleo sleeping on ped bed

Cleo on minted.com fabric


If you’re interested in joining me in this group, just email info@fabfurnitureflippincontest.com for more information.


Want more Fab Flippin’ Furniture inspiration? Check out this month’s hosts Stacey from Anastasia Vintage and Colleen from 58 Water Street.

FFFC main graphic updated (10.2015)


About The Author

2 Responses

  1. michelle james

    I love it and your babies are super adorable. I didn’t mean for mine to be a pet bed but it has been one since I brought the bench home. Lol! Nice job.


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